1·Stick lab safety regulations to prevent occurrence of accident.
2·Rinsing. munching, teethmassaging and regular dental checkup cou1d prevent occurrence of gingival hyperlasia.
3·This should include a mechanism for reporting the emergency to the wider Laboratory community and follow up to prevent occurrence.
4·Conclusion For patients with difficult biliary intubation in ERCP, the pancreatic plastic stent placement would prevent occurrence of postoperative pancreatitis.
5·To staphylococcal infection cases, combined application, of antibiotics may improve the therapeutic effect, prevent occurrence of drug resistance, and reduce drug adverse re- action.
6·Conclusion Timely and correct surgical intervention and postoperative management can help to heal dural injuries in spinal surgeries and can prevent occurrence of postoperative CSF fistulas.
7·The MoH organized a catch-up vaccination campaign in an area of 15 kms around the affected village to prevent the occurrence of cases.
8·Applying such controls particularly in hospitals, industrial sites, hotels, leisure centres, etc will greatly reduce the risk of legionella contamination and prevent the occurrence of sporadic cases.
9·Lotions containing caffeine (both from coffee and green tea) have been shown to prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors on the skin - in murine trials, anyway.
10·Article 1. This Law is enacted in order to prevent, control and eliminate the occurrence and epidemic of infectious diseases and to ensure the health of the people.